Prof Theo Veldsman



The growing cancer endangering organisations: Toxic leadership




Dr Werner Barkhuizen


Optimising leadership potential through talent management platforms



Ms Vijay Naidoo



Coaching as a means to develop leadership potential - Coaching as a means to retain talent and develop leadership potential



Prof Stella Nkomo



Developing women’s leadership potential



Dr Anita Bosch



Women’s leadership potential: Facts and myths



Mr Tom Hopton



Predicting potential – Reflections on the measurement of leadership



Dr Marna Malan



Leadership application




Dr Willem de Jager



The use of evidence based assessments to predict and manage risk for senior and executive leadership succession




Mr Stephen Drotter



  • How to develop all leaders: Using architecture not programmes, performance not behaviour
  • How to identify and nurture leadership talent



Mr Delani Mthembu



Developing leadership and unleashing potential for the 21st century